Although I wasn't very excited to finally sign up for Twitter two weeks ago, now I'm like WOAH! A whole new world of connecting with published authors, writers, and agents has opened up! I LOVE it! And now, I'm hopeless addicted to checking my Twitter constantly. :o One of my most recent obsessions and broadened horizons has been through Pitch Wars, a contest where writers submit a completed manuscript to four mentor authors. Those mentors then choose an MS (manuscript) they believe has the greatest potential and support that writer in editing and all that jazz. ;) Those books go on to the next round of being presented to agents! I've heard TONS of success stories through this and I am super hopeful and excited to participate! WooHoo!!
So, for any mentors stalking mentees bios and/or blog, here is a little bit about me and my book, Speak! (and for any friends who don't know me that well, lol;)

Quick Pitch:
Edith’s family and country are jeopardized by war, she rescues her father from
the enemy king, discovers the mythical stories she doubted are true, and uses
her words to persuade, hopefully ending the conflict.
Edith has spent her life hearing her father spin his
stories. She always thought they were fictional, until he is taken hostage by
the king of Renoria who seeks revenge. When her mother and brothers are
recruited in the forthcoming war and she is left at home, she naively takes it
upon herself to rescue him, confronting her skepticism and uncovering secrets
about the past.
Braving the wrath of the vengeful king, Edith escapes with
her father and a prince, who was also imprisoned. When they are trapped within
the borders, they delve deeper into the country and uncover the world of
stories Edith did not believe existed. On their journey, Edith comes to terms
with her parents’ history, finds love in unexpected places, and develops her
own talent of speaking her own tales. But will her ability be enough to stop
two countries diving headlong into war?
A YA fantasy, SPEAK is complete at 90,000 words and in a
similar vein as The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale and Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith.
SPEAK has:
~Relationships: quirky & realistic family, sibling, and parent relationships; friends, friendship turned romance, enemies, misguided judgements, cheesy dad jokes!
~Courage: speaking out for others, facing fears
~Diversity: set in an Eastern European country (similar to Romanian & Bulgarian cultures, filled with foods that will make your mouth water!) and includes other ethnicities, such as the Roma/gypsy
~ Fantasy/World Building: 4 Races - Fae (gypsy elves), Humanas (humans), Mythos (dragons, dwarves, etc), Animale' (speaking animals)
~Lyrical imagery writing, leans to a brighter/fun read
~Edith: ENTJ; hobbies are cooking, reading, and talking
~Mystery: secrets about parent's past, in connection with two countries and the four races
~Sub-Genre: Adventure with political intrigue, coming-of-age, life threatening, feminine heroine, a little mystery, internal conflict: lying
About Me
My name is Rebecca Henry and I have been writing since elementary school when I decided that I wanted to be a mom, teacher and author when I grew up. English classes in high school bored me because we had to study classical literature (which I loved reading) and write about it (which I didn't enjoy, not much room for creativity :/) when I wanted to write my own stories. (I will admit now that studying Nathanial Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter and other classics have helped me in my writing!) Fast forward to 2016, I am a mom of two boys, 1 & 3 -year-old, a credentialed teacher (although I only work as a school substitute right now), and a writer in my spare time (haha! What's that? The time after the kids fall asleep and before I pass out of exhaustion, lol!) Also, I think I may be a bit ADD, lol...Which I will use in my newest novel idea (see what I did there! ;). My current projects are Duchess of the Seas, a fun pirate novella at this point, and a futuristic space novel for MG for my brother.
My hobbies are baking (I post recipes on my blog occasionally), party planning, and reading. I live in Alaska, which means I write a LOT in the winter, and "party" all summer: fishing with my husband, camping with the kids, 4-wheeling (my new favorite thing to do!) and hiking. My favorite food group is ICE CREAM, usually chocolate, but I've been fond of mint chocolate chip recently and vanilla with fresh picked blueberries!
Recent reads: An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir and Hero by Alethea Kontis
~Rebecca Henry
Twitter ~ @moosenaroundak
Goodreads ~ Rebecca Henry
Blog ~