Tuesday, September 6, 2016


I can't believe it...but its true!

ANNOUNCEMENT #1: I finished a novel in a month! I'd like to introduce SPACE DRAGON to the world!

Liej always starts trouble, so it's no surprise when he sneaks around a spaceship. No one expects him to discover a magic orb, granting him superpowers. He better shape up or the universe may pay!

Space Dragon is a MG scifi/fantasy genre mashup, complete at 34k words. Told in the POV of two pre-teens, Liej and Ollia face real and fantastical challenges that make them stronger in their own talents and question the adult world. If Star Trek/Wars, Avengers and dragons were thrown into a blender and their story told by an ADHD 12-year old boy with a voice as unique as Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Would you, or anyone you know, be interested in reading this and giving me feedback in the next two weeks? I am going to enter it into #PitchSlam and hopefully present it to literary agents! If so, email me or comment. 

Now, for the announcement you're really waiting for...


 Our family is growing! Baby #3 is expected in April! Whoopee!! Yay!

What do you think about my announcements? ;)


Monday, August 22, 2016

Distracted + Alaska History Timeline


Lately, I have been too distracted with writing: Duchess of the Seas and Space Dragon (new project,  reveal coming soon!), editing/revising: Speak and Pitch Wars (picks are revealed August 25!) to focus on some important things:
-like dishes
-eating healthy
-dishes, again

I have to finish two Alaska history classes to gain my Alaska Teaching Credential. Why is this important if I'm just a stay-at-home mom (oh no you didn't! :P) or I want to be an author? Well, because being a teacher has always been one of my dreams. Teaching 3rd grade in Colorado was SO rewarding and a wonderful year of my life. Sometimes I really miss it (mainly in August when everyone is getting ready to go Back to School). This year I went a little crazy and now I have a mini preschool classroom set up in my house for Ben to home school! :) Also, I want to keep my credential updated. I'm losing my CA credential next year because I haven't taught 2 years and completed BTSA in the state. And I DO NOT want to go through the credentialing program again. Last, I want to work as a sub with the school district (and having my credential pays better, lol). But, really, I LOVE working in schools. I already feel fulfilled with the life I have chosen - being a mom is one of the greatest careers! - but giving to the community and supporting schools and students is great too! I wasn't made to do just one thing; I want to use the gifts and talents God has given me in many ways! So, I am never just a teacher, a mom, a wife, a writer, a student, a daughter, a sister, a hair-brained wild dreamer; I am ALL of those things.

Bleh, I didn't mean to go on a mini-happy rant. :P I was supposed to introduce one of the interesting projects I completed for my class (and maybe will help others who stumble on this blog, but please don't plagiarize-use it as a resource).

Over the past couple months, when I actually did schoolwork, I organized a timeline on the history of Alaska. And, boy! this state is INTERESTING! This only holds a smidgen of the happenings in this great state but I hope it gives you an appreciation on how we got where we are. (Or convince my family and friends to move up here too!) (P.S. I was a grade school teacher, I LOVE color-coding ;)

AA: Alaska Timeline (1741-2016)

A timeline on the land, people and education of Alaska

?-1740: Aleut, Inupiat, Yup'ik, Athabascan and Tlingit Haida native groups live a hunting and gathering lifestyle.
1741: Bering & Chirikov Voyage (Russian)
1774-1791: Spanish Expeditions; trace names as Malaspina Glacier and Valdez (Spanish)
1778: Cpt. Cook Explores Coastal AK & creates maps of northern North America (English)
1784: First Permanent Russian Settlement on Kodiak, Shelikov, fur trader, forces Natives on Kodiak into submission (Russian) Fur trade hits big!
1789: American expeditions set out to compete in fur trade (US)
1794: Baranov builds first ocean-going vessel in northwestern America on Kenai Peninsula at Voskressenski (Russian)
1799: Baranov named First Russian Governor; builds ship with Shields, an Englishman, and calls it the Phoenix. Used in American waters and made two voyages to Siberia. Russian post Old Sitka established.
1802: Battle of Sitka
1804: Russian warship Neva under Baranov, destroyed the Native village & people. Rebuilt settlement of New Archangel, now known as Sitka.
1805: 1st cargo of Russian furs from Russian America delivered to China
(1812: Napoleon invades Russia, isolating colonies.)
1821: Russian Trading Charter (Russian) & Hudson’s Bay Company (British). British continue presence for the next 30 years.
1823: Monroe Doctrine
1824: Russia & US sign treaty -> Anglo-Russian Treaty Establishing AK’s borders; Veniaminov begins deciphering, writing and translating the Aleut & Tlingit & Yakut languages, Bible first & other books, plus personal compositions
1835: First Mission School for Eskimos at Nushagak
1842: Aleut born Netsvetov developed & translated Yupik
1853: Oil in Cook Inlet discovered by Russian-America Company
1857: Coal mining begins at Coal Harbor on Kenai Pen; Russian-American company looses out on fur trade, coal mining and whaling; ice trade not enough; ends. (Russian)
1861: Gold discovered at Telegraph Creek at Stikine River
1865: Survey for Telegraph line Begun, Last Shot of Civil War Fired in AK waters
1867: Seward negotiates purchase of Russian America -> 375 million acres for $7.2 million [-2c per acre]. General Davis assumes command of the Department of Alaska, beginning a decade of military rule.
1868: First Alaskan Newspaper, “The Sitka Times”
1870: Schools built on St Paul & St George as provisions for 20 year seal hunting rights on Pribilof Island led to 48-pg primer of American Values in the English language
1877: US troops withdraw from AK. School opens in Wrangell, mainly for Tlingit near Sitka, becomes a girl’s school
1878: First AK fish cannery opens in Klawock. First Sitka Industrial Training School opens.
1880: Gold on Gastineau Channel. Juneau founded (first Harrisburg, then Rockwell, and finally Juneau) after Joe Juneau and Richard Harris.
1881: Commander Henry Glass, the Senior Navy Officer required the native children to attend school.
1882: 1st salmon AK canneries built in Central AK. 1st commercial herring fishing begins in Killisnoo.
1884: Steamers begin bringing 1st tourists to AK. Congress passes First Organic Act; $15,000 appropriated to educate AK Native children. (Sheldon Jackson prodding)
1885: Sheldon Jackson federal education agent for AK, bringing schools to region – boarding schools/mission schools
1887: Indian Reservation of Metlakatla on Annette Island & taught trades.
1890: 1st oil claims in Cook Inlet. Reindeer introduced into AK. Large corporate salmon canneries begin to appear.
1893: Gold is discovered on Birch Creek
1896: Klondike Gold Rush begins.
1898: Nome Gold Rush begins.
1900: Capital moves from Sitka to Juneau. White Pass & Yukon Railroad is completed. Congress provided for the establishment and local control of independent schools for whites within incorporated towns. (Segregated school system)
1900: Unalaska tri-lingual newspaper printed in Aleut, Russian & English
1902: Oil production in AK. Fairbanks town named after US president. Roosevelt est Tongass National Forest.
1903: AK-Canada border settled.
1904: Washington AK Military Cable & Telegraph System (WAMCATS) begins to lay submarine cable between Seattle, Sitka, & Valdez, linking AK to “Outside”.
1905: 1st message is telegraphed from Fairbanks to Valdez. Nelson Act the federal government assumed responsibility for the education of Alaska Native: “of white children and of children with ‘mixed blood’ who led a civilized life”.
1906: Native Allotment Act, allowing Natives to obtain land under restricted title.
1911: Morgan-Guggenheim Corp builds railroad. US, Canada, Russia, GB, & Japan sign to preserve fur seal in North Pacific.
1912: Mt. Katmai explodes massively, forming Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes.
1913: 1st AK Territorial Legislature Convenes with 1st law passed granting women voting rights.
1914: Surveying begins for AK Railroad. Anchorage starts as construction camp on Ship Creek.
1917: Amendment to the Alaska Organic Act, the Territorial Legislature was empowered "to establish and maintain schools for white and colored children and children of mixed blood who lead a civilized life in said territory . . ."
1920: Anchorage city gov’t is organized. Alaska Air Expedition from New York to Nome is successful.
1922: AK Ag College & School of Mines, later University of AK, opens with 6 students.
1923: Alaska Railroad complete. Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 is created.
1924: Congress extends citizenship to all American Indians. William L. Paul, a Tlingit, is first Alaska Native elected to Territorial Legislature.
1925: The federal government initiated a program of establishing vocational boarding schools within Alaska. Mt. Edgecumbe - main
1926: AK Native Townsite Act allows Natives to obtain restricted deeds to village lots. Design for the AK flag was won by 13-yr old Benny Benson, through a school contest. (AK students grades 7-12)
1927: New flag for the Territory of AK.
1928: Court case resolves the right of Native children to attend public school.
1935: 202 farmers colonize Matanuska Valley. Salmon pack peaks at 8.4 million cases.
1936: Congress extends the Indian Reorganization Act to AK. Nell Scott of Seldovia becomes 1st woman elected to the Territorial Legislature.
1938: Kennicott Mine closes at McCarthy.
1939: Home study (homeschool) an option for Alaskan students.
1940: Military sets up in AK with Elmendorf Air Force Base.
1942: Japan bombs Dutch Harbor, invades Aleutians, takes Attu & Kiska; relocated all islanders (extended-temporary time). Pioneer Service Road (AK-Canada military Highway) is built from Dawson Creek, BC to Delta Junction, AK.
1943: Upgrading and bridge building on AK Highway. US Forces retake Aleutian Islands, Attu & Kiska from the Japanese. Venetie Reservation.
1944: AK-Juneau Gold Mine shuts down.
1945: Territorial legislature passed an antidiscrimination act
1946: Boarding school for Native high school students opens at Mt. Edgecumbe.
1947: AK Command establish; 1st unified command of the US Army, Air Force & Navy. 1st AK Native land claims suit, by Tlingit & Haida people.
1948: AK Highway opens to civilian traffic. Vote to abolish fish traps.
1951: 34 public secondary schools; only 5 enrolled over 100, 24 under 50, 12 had 10 or fewer; only 6 were in communities at least 50% native.
1952: Johnson-O’Malley Act: “The states' responsibility lay in their obligation to educate all residents"
1953: Plywood op begins at Juneau & pulp mill at Ketchikan. AK TV broadcast
1955-1956: Constitutional convention held at Univ of AK.
1957: Oil discovered at Swanson River on Kenai Pen, beginning AK modern oil era.
1959: AK becomes US state #49. British Petroleum begins to explore for oil on AK North Slope.
1960: Amoco finds offshore oil in Cook Inlet.
1964: Good Friday earthquake of 8.6: property damage = $500 million. Valdez destroyed.
1965: State revenues total $82.9 million; Elementary and Secondary Education Act for low-income & Native students
1966: The state adopted a policy of constructing regional secondary schools and dormitories and developing boarding home programs.
1967: Chena River floods Fairbanks. 1st bill intro to settle AK Native land claims.
1968: Prudhoe Bay exploratory well oil reserves est at 9.6 billion barrels. Civil Rights Act for Title VII Bilingual Education legislation.
1969: AK pop totals 295,000. $900 million in lease bonuses to state treasury through Prudhoe Bay.
1970: State revenues hit $1 billion; bill intro for PFD. Environmental studies of pipeline effect on wildlife begin. State began a program of providing local secondary schools.
1971: Congress passes AK Native Claims Settlement Act; transfers ownership of 44 million acres of land to newly est Native corps.
1972: Molly Hootch, et al., Plaintiffs, vs. Alaska State Operated School System, et al., Defendants, the lawsuit challenging the separate and unequal system of education in Alaska (Edu). Indian Education Act.
1973: Trans –AK pipeline begins. Oil prices skyrocket from Middle East war. National Study of American Indian Education & John Collier, Jr.'s book Alaska Eskimo Education (1973)
1974: Construction on pipeline brings thousands of workers.
1975: The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act became law with the outward intent of providing increased opportunities for local control
1976: PFD constitutional amendment established. Population passes 400,000. The Governor of Alaska signed a consent decree as an out-of-court settlement of what had become the Tobeluk v. Lind case because Molly Hootch was no longer in school. In the settlement, the state of Alaska agreed that it would establish a high school program in every community in Alaska where there was an elementary school (which required a minimum enrollment of eight students) and one or more secondary students, unless the community specifically declined such a program
1977: Pipeline construction completed and oil arrives. 30 new high schools est, +90 more in the next 7 years. Currently over 120 small high schools in AK villages. (Regional Educational Attendance Areas; REAA – operated locally)
1978: More options for local control were then reinforced by the federal Education Amendments Act
1980: AK legislature approves PFD program & repeals AK income tax. Carter signs AK National Interest Lands Conservation Act. State of AK agrees to provide high schools in all Native villages of student pop of +15
1982: Oil Boom! State revenues peak at $4 billion after OPEC fixes oil at $34/barrel. AK Legis enacts inflation-proofing to PFD. 1st PFD check is distributed: $1,000.
1985: Bureau of Indian Affairs passes operation of rural schools to State Board of Edu & Early Dev
1985-87: Recession, nearly 1 in 10 jobs disappear from AK economy, oil prices drop. AK Railroad transfers from Federal to State.
1988: International efforts to rescue 3 whales caught by ice off Barrow gain attention. Soviets allow a 1-day visit of a group of AK to Siberian port city of Providenya. Oil peaks at 744 million barrels.
1989: Exxon Valdez spills 11 million gallons of oil into Prince William Sound.
1990: AK pop reaches 550,000. Over 800,000 visitors come to AK. Mining ranks as fastest growing industry. PFD invests in stocks & bonds outside US.
1991: 8 billionth barrel of oil arrives in Valdez. PFDs paid for 10th consecutive year.
1992: AK Highway & Denali National Park = 50 years old.
1996: PFD 20th anniversary.
1997: AK High School Graduation Qualifying Exam implemented
1998: Quality Schools Initiative
2000: Alaska signed an administrative order directing state agencies and officials to "recognize and respect" the 227 federally recognized tribal governments in Alaska.
2013: Lowest recorded King Salmon run
2015: 1.7 million salmon run up Kenai River, stable population
2016: Change of policies in regards to Transgender students in some Alaskan schools

Extra Resources:
Alaska's History--(pp. 54-55): Sheldon Jackson: Christian Soldier to the Great Land.
Including class materials and provided books.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

SPEAK ~ Visualized

Recently, I have seen other writers post pictures that visualize what their book is about and I love the idea! A picture really is worth a thousand words...or 90k in this case. ;)

If I could walk through the world of my novel Speak it would look like this:

Friday, July 29, 2016

Pitch Wars Mentee Bio

Hello all!
Although I wasn't very excited to finally sign up for Twitter two weeks ago, now I'm like WOAH! A whole new world of connecting with published authors, writers, and agents has opened up! I LOVE it! And now, I'm hopeless addicted to checking my Twitter constantly. :o One of my most recent obsessions and broadened horizons has been through Pitch Wars, a contest where writers submit a completed manuscript to four mentor authors. Those mentors then choose an MS (manuscript) they believe has the greatest potential and support that writer in editing and all that jazz. ;) Those books go on to the next round of being presented to agents! I've heard TONS of success stories through this and I am super hopeful and excited to participate! WooHoo!!
So, for any mentors stalking mentees bios and/or blog, here is a little bit about me and my book, Speak! (and for any friends who don't know me that well, lol;)




Quick Pitch:

           When Edith’s family and country are jeopardized by war, she rescues her father from the enemy king, discovers the mythical stories she doubted are true, and uses her words to persuade, hopefully ending the conflict.

Edith has spent her life hearing her father spin his stories. She always thought they were fictional, until he is taken hostage by the king of Renoria who seeks revenge. When her mother and brothers are recruited in the forthcoming war and she is left at home, she naively takes it upon herself to rescue him, confronting her skepticism and uncovering secrets about the past.

Braving the wrath of the vengeful king, Edith escapes with her father and a prince, who was also imprisoned. When they are trapped within the borders, they delve deeper into the country and uncover the world of stories Edith did not believe existed. On their journey, Edith comes to terms with her parents’ history, finds love in unexpected places, and develops her own talent of speaking her own tales. But will her ability be enough to stop two countries diving headlong into war?

A YA fantasy, SPEAK is complete at 90,000 words and in a similar vein as The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale and Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith.

 SPEAK has:
~Relationships: quirky & realistic family, sibling, and parent relationships; friends, friendship turned romance, enemies, misguided judgements, cheesy dad jokes!
~Courage: speaking out for others, facing fears
~Diversity: set in an Eastern European country (similar to Romanian & Bulgarian cultures, filled with foods that will make your mouth water!) and includes other ethnicities, such as the Roma/gypsy
~ Fantasy/World Building: 4 Races - Fae (gypsy elves), Humanas (humans), Mythos (dragons, dwarves, etc), Animale' (speaking animals)
~Lyrical imagery writing, leans to a brighter/fun read
~Edith: ENTJ; hobbies are cooking, reading, and talking
~Mystery: secrets about parent's past, in connection with two countries and the four races
~Sub-Genre: Adventure with political intrigue, coming-of-age, life threatening, feminine heroine, a little mystery, internal conflict: lying

About Me

My name is Rebecca Henry and I have been writing since elementary school when I decided that I wanted to be a mom, teacher and author when I grew up. English classes in high school bored me because we had to study classical literature (which I loved reading) and write about it (which I didn't enjoy, not much room for creativity :/) when I wanted to write my own stories. (I will admit now that studying Nathanial Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter and other classics have helped me in my writing!) Fast forward to 2016, I am a mom of two boys, 1 & 3 -year-old, a credentialed teacher (although I only work as a school substitute right now), and a writer in my spare time (haha! What's that? The time after the kids fall asleep and before I pass out of exhaustion, lol!) Also, I think I may be a bit ADD, lol...Which I will use in my newest novel idea (see what I did there! ;). My current projects are Duchess of the Seas, a fun pirate novella at this point, and a futuristic space novel for MG for my brother.
My hobbies are baking (I post recipes on my blog occasionally), party planning, and reading. I live in Alaska, which means I write a LOT in the winter, and "party" all summer: fishing with my husband, camping with the kids, 4-wheeling (my new favorite thing to do!) and hiking. My favorite food group is ICE CREAM, usually chocolate, but I've been fond of mint chocolate chip recently and vanilla with fresh picked blueberries!
Recent reads: An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir and Hero by Alethea Kontis

~Rebecca Henry

Twitter ~ @moosenaroundak
Goodreads ~ Rebecca Henry
Blog ~ www.moosenaroundak.blogspot.com

Friday, July 22, 2016

Musical Inspiration

One of my favorite ways to imagine or plan out a story is on the long 3 hour drive to Anchorage in the summer. I just LOVE the high mountains covered in green life, the icy blue Kenai river rushing past and brief glimpses of free animals. My favorite are the swans at Tern Lake, turning on the Seward Highway. 

But not everyone can have this glorious majesty in driving distance to lure the muse. Pictures and videos are awesome but can never grasp the complete beauty of the wild. That's when I turn to music (especially in the winter when all the above is covered in a sheet of white snow and I refuse to drive).  
Thanks to my wonderful sister Christine (woot!woot!), I have expanded my list of heart-swelling, mind-blowing, and love-inducing musical playlists. Though some are great for sparking a new idea or working out a scene in my head, most are story-specific. 
Some of my favorites (I.e. You REALLY REALLY REALLY have to listen to these!!) are:
SUN - Thomas Bergersen
CHRONICLES - Audiomachine (epic!)
GLORY & FREEDOM - Michael W Smith
Anything by PIANO GUYS (love!)
And I am always looking for more music! What are your favorites? 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016



From the feedback I received from my last post, I take it that pirates are popular and Duchess of the Seas is intriguing! Thanks Sharon, Nova and Jessie for your interest and excitement! You are inspiring me to continue writing this new novel! Duchess is my CampNaNoWriMo project (to finish writing a complete first draft in less than a month!) It's been difficult finding time to write during the beautiful Alaskan summer and, guiltily, it was been taking from my school work time. But when the muse is knocking, I can't ignore it...even at 3am! In the past two weeks, I've stayed up past 3am twice! (I can't blame the baby bear anymore, especially since he's been sleeping through the night finally. Yay!)

So, based on requests for MORE Duchess of the Seas and pirates, I am including an excerpt from Chapter 2! (Mind you, this is a first draft and needs work.) Enjoy!

Also, if you would like to read Duchess of the Seas in its entirety (Chapter 1 & 2), it is available on Wattpad, an online 'publishing' website. I will be sharing chapters as I write them.

Credit: http://www.allmacwallpaper.com/mac-wallpaper/-Ghost-Ship/4422

* * *

My mind stole me back to the day I had met him, consequently the worst day of my life. A small drizzle poured misery over the world as I stood in my blackest dress and watched as the coffin was slowly lowered into the earth. I raised a handkerchief and wiped the constant flow of tears from the corners of my eyes. The reality that left me an orphan was still fresh and painful. Waide, a childhood friend, held an umbrella over me and whispered all would be tended to. With him by my side, I hadn’t needed to worry over the details of the funeral or the financials.
            I stepped forward, resting a rose next to the headstone and let the sky shed its tears for me. Knowing once I moved from this spot, my life must go on without my father, I remained where I was. Instead, I looked around at those who had come to grieve his passing. [Add in several family, relatives, family friends, etc] But just beyond, hidden in the shade of a silver birch tree, stood a man I did not know. He wore a dark tailcoat and hat and watched warily as the others left, some sharing a parting condolence as they passed. Last of all, he neared and lowered his hat. He had a square jaw with a sandy growth of beard on his chin, and messy blonde hair tied at the nape of his neck. Green eyes glanced up from a bronzed face, sympathetic and considering as he took my hand and shared his sympathy at my loss. I held my breath and gazed back. His words reflected knowledge of my father, but I had never met this man.
            Waide pushed next to me, taking my arm and pulling me back. “Excuse me,” he spoke coldly. “But we have not had the pleasure of your acquaintance, sir, and this is a solemn event.”
            “I apologize,” he bowed formally. “I am Reid Lachlan.”

The evening gatherings multiplied in the following weeks as the young women, especially Hazle, brawled for the young sea captain’s attention. I could say, with honor, I detached myself from this gaggle of females and engaged myself in other diversions while amongst my friends and acquaintances. Yet, I must confess, I constantly kept an open ear during Reid Lachlan’s tales and finally took on the official management of my father’s financial and business assets, mainly to speak with him alone again.
            He entered my father’s office, a little less formally attired. He wore an open blue jacket with a rumpled white collared shirt and carried water-stained journals in scrawled handwriting. “Good morning, Lady Castleton,” he said as he dropped the paperwork on the desk. “Here are the records, but I fear mine and my crew’s scribbles are unreadable.”
            I lifted a sheet and raised my brows as it crumpled under my touch. “I suppose you can just tell me.” He sat down in the cushioned chair with a grin, until I added, “Since all the other women in Doncaster are familiar with the commerce of my ship.”
            He leaned his elbows on his knees and glanced across the desk at me amused. “I am happy to oblige.” His open demeanor and candid smile drew me in. He shared his account of the past three years on board the Crimson Crest, describing foreign shores and exotic lands. I listened with abated breath and gazed at him as he spoke, feeling my heart spin wildly at his adventures.
            Hours had gone by before I noticed the time. We were leaned over a rough sketch he had drawn of the galleon, showing the damage it had sustained in its journeys when I noticed. “Oh dear,” I gasped. “Time has escaped us, Mr. Lachlan.” I glanced up from the drawing. Our faces were inches apart. My breath caught in my throat and lost myself in his green eyes.
            “Please,” he spoke slowly. “You may call me Reid.”
            I blushed. 

 *Thank you for reading! And, as you can see, I added two excerpts, because I just love Reid so much! Also, please ignore my notes where I will return later and fill in more detail.*

~Beca Henry

Friday, July 8, 2016

I'm Back in...and Fully Submerged!

After a couple months break, I am back in the game!

On Wednesday I had a great time meeting with fellow writers, reading and critiquing each others work and getting input on query letters. It reigniting the writer's itch in my fingertips and I stayed up til 3 a.m. sending out two more queries for Horse Heroes and reworking the beginning of my YA novel Speak (yet again!). It can be very frustrating to never be done, fighting with the structure until it runs smoothly; I have found my stumbling point with that.

But I am so thankful for the connections I am beginning to make within the writing community: Thanks @KrisdKeith and @nova_mcbee! And, though I have fought long and hard against it, I now have a Twitter. Yup. If you too are a Tweeter (lol), you can follow me at @moosenaroundak. (If not, be glad and enjoy your life!)

Also, in an effort to get YOU to pester me to keep up on my blog, I will be posting my novels and their blurbs. Feel free to ask how it's going! (If it's not, then I might ask for free babysitting, lol).

To start things off, this novel came as inspiration from a writing prompt from The Spinning Pen (https://thespinningpen.com/). (Credit goes to Nova McBee for the first paragraph!) I will share my blurb (or what I'm planning for it at this point) and everything I have written. (Don't hold your breath, it is only around 500 words). Writing my first draft of this new novel will be my goal for #NaNoWriMo.

Duchess of the Seas

The sky drifted and fell into the blasted, nasty sea doing nothing to help my splitting head.  The liar, whoever he was, hadn’t gained my favor. I swore, once I untied the vile ropes of seasickness, I’d have his throat. Not knowing which way was right side up I rocked back and forth, clenching my poor temples. When my vision cleared, I sat up, and for the first time I laid my uneasy eyes on him.

He still wore the same tailcoat and beaver top hat that had caused me to mistake him for a gentleman, yet now he barked orders to the grimy sailormen as the true brigand he was. His sweet words and amiable visits the past month had been for one purpose, this much I could now see. I was no longer the sole daughter and heiress to my late father the Duke of Chapman Heights, but a prisoner of pirates.

I certainly would pay any ransom price for my freedom; no amount would be too steep if it meant I would be rid of the smug sea green eyes that now turned toward me. I straightened my spine and glared back, refusing to give him any more satisfaction at seeing my pathetic seasick self. “Name your price, pirate, and return me to shore. Whatever your demands, I will pay them.”

His slick boots took slow deliberate steps toward me, cornering me against the railing of the quarterdeck. “Is that what you think?” he asked, his voice uncommonly low under the sound of the sea. To hear him clearly, I would have to lean in to his deep voice, but I refused to give him the satisfaction. “You believe I took you hostage?” He took off his hat and ran his fingers through his windswept hair. “Olivia—“

I interrupted him as he spoke my name, “Don’t be impertinent.”

“My apologies,” he bowed slightly, only to mock me. “Lady Olivia Chapman, you are mistaken. You are not a captive on my ship Crimson Crest, but a guest.”

I pushed past him to hide my surprise and confusion but my feet were still unaccustomed to the swells and drops of the ocean. My hand gripped the rigging near the mast and I spun to face him. His lies had deceived me once; I would not rely on him again. “An unwilling guest! What possessed you to think I wanted to leave my home and friends and join you on this forsaken piece of driftwood?!”

His glance was calculating, as if I was an impending sea storm; would he turn his sails and try to outrun the torrent or sail directly into the tempest? His response once again startled me. He snorted, “Your home and friends?” He shook his head. “No, that was where you were being held prisoner: all those lies and deceptions, layers of frills and makeup, their only purpose is to hide the truth about a person. Those you thought were your closest friends were truly your deadliest enemy, Oliv—Lady Chapman. I swore an oath to your father and intend to uphold it.” He straightened to his full height as he spoke, “I am setting you free.”  

Coming soon! A tale of adventure on the high seas, sure to excite with sea monsters, pirates, and gentlemen. Only the bravest can join as Olivia Chapman battles all to steal from the rich and give to the poor. This new spin on Robin Hood will redefine the legend.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Yeehaw! It's time my horse obsession pays off! I've begun writing an elementary mini chapter book series about horses. In fact, four horses who are best friends and work together to make the world a better place. Oh, and did I mention...they have super powers!

Welcome to the Horse Heroes series! Book 1 is done and I am ready to find an agent and publisher. I have already found an artist who is going to make the illustrations! I am super excited about this! :D

Today's blog post will feature these four fancy equines and how they came to have their super powers! Enjoy!

Horse Heroes

Phoenix             [fee-niks]            Red Thoroughbred
Platinum           [plat-nuh m]          Silver Clydesdale

Pteryla               [ter-uh-luh]          White Arabian

Pseudo        [soo-doh]           Black Friesian 

(illustrations coming soon!)

*       *       *
Prologue: Superpowers

*       *       *
Four foals trotted along the inside of their corral. Above them, giant fireworks lit up the night sky with their dancing lights. The red thoroughbred, Phoenix, shook her still fuzzy mane and ran after each falling spark. The silver Clydesdale, Platinum, stamped his foot and snorted. The white Arabian, Pteryla, reared and tried to jump in the air and the black Friesian, Pseudo, hid under the cover of their shelter.

The last fireworks shot up into the air. If Evi, the young stable hand who took care of them, had been there, she would have noticed it was too close. But she did not live on the farm and was watching the fireworks from the roof of her house with her little sister.  

When the finale of fireworks exploded, a million stars shot into the sky. All four horses stared up in awe. Then, it sprinkled glitter dust all over their manes, tails and bodies. The foals sneezed.

It was not until the next morning that they noticed something had changed.

When Phoenix ran fast, her mane and tail would burst into flames behind her, but never burned her! When Platinum stomped his foot, the earth would tremble from his strength! When Pteryla leaped, she could fly over the treetops! When Pseudo hid, he could turn himself completely invisible!

*       *       *

For my friends who actually read my blog: ;) :P ---> If you would like the exclusive opportunity (haha!) of being one of my first readers of the complete manuscript and providing me with feedback, comment or email me and I can send it to you! My email is ralexandru642@yahoo.com.

Have a blessed day!
~ Rebecca Henry

Friday, March 25, 2016


Happy Good Friday everyone!

I recommend taking some time to read Isaiah 53 today. While most of us turn straight to the end of one of the Gospels to read the Easter story (which is very important too!), we need to be reminded of Isaiah's prophecies 700 years earlier.

Since I attended a wonderful women's retreat last year and the speaker used Scripture as 60-75% of the words she actually spoke, I was encouraged to read deeply in God's Word. (So many times we think our own words will maybe impart some wisdom when we really should step back and let God's Words speak for themselves.) So, WRITE down the verses that stand out to you, the ones that capture your soul and transform the way you think, and then MEDITATE on what God is sharing with us.

took my transgressions and iniquities upon Himself,
bearing the chastisement I deserved.

All the pain and suffering He bore:
being smitten, afflicted, wounded, bruised, oppressed, numbered with the transgressors, the stripes, His silence, the prison, His death, His grave, pouring out His soul unto death...was to justify many! 

He bore the penalty that I might be justified!

With these thoughts in our mind, we can truly see the glory and power of Easter. 

"He shall see the labor of His soul...and be satisfied."
Isaiah 53:11